Thursday, April 24, 2008

WNBA (Women's No Business Allowed)

If you look at the WNBA (Women's National Basketball Association) marketing partners they are products oriented for men: Gatorade, Addidas, Nike, Ocean Spray, and others. You will see companies that are omnisex like State Farm, Southwest Airlines, and T-Mobile as well as ABC and ESPN. There are also Toyota, Discover, Kohler, and AOL to round the marketing for the WNBA.

One glaring ommision is that there seems to be a lack of women oriented products and companies that are partners with the WNBA. For a league that has been in existence for 12 years, this is very surprising. However, if you look at the WTA (Women's Tennis Association) same thing. You see Gatorade, Bed and Bath, Dubai Duty Free, and Whirlpool. Finally, you see hotel companies, Wilson, and Travelex.

Yet, you don't see women products like hair, makeup, clothing/fashion, and other women oriented products. Why? I have contacted and written letters to stores like Marshalls, Target, Sears, J.C. Penny, K-Mart, jewelery stores, and other products and stores that cater to women. No can do. A Marshall's business representive said they aren't interested and wish the "WNBA well in their business endeavors."

I point this out and I'm called sexist when I made my speech about this issue. But the paper trail and money says that I'm right. Women fans don't like women in sports like they do in men's sports which is few in general unless it is their family member. You would be suprised that more men seem to attend women's athletic events than women in tennis, golf, and basketball.

Main point: women are sexist to their own!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Mom go get your cataracts

My real mother is debating of whether to have lasic surgery on her eyes. My sister wants me to call her because she seems to listen to me. Whatever? Mom doesn't even to listen to herself maybe the voices.

When I talk to her, she always wants company so if you have the money, visit her. If you want to visit my mother and tell her to get her cataracts done: The village is in Manachai near Karakuidi. It is about 250 miles from Chennai. Here is the address:
S. Sivagami
K.M. SP House
Vadagudi Post
P.M. District
Tamilnadu, India.
No numbers. She is hard of hearing and suffering various ailments to her body. She can hardly walk but if you visit her tell her that Davan sent her. To you perves and psychos, she'll talk to but let me warn you, not. You can learn it for yourself like I did. LOL. May the curse be with you.